********************************************************************* * PalmGUI V 2.0 (26.12.98) * * Copyright (C) 1998/1999 Björn Schwemmer. Freely Distributable. * ********************************************************************* GETTING STARTED Just copy the whole drawer to the right place. Than start the InstallLib script, to install multireq.library to your libs:. If you have not done so already, copy PalmTransfer to your c:. [you find this program at Aminet (util/libs/PalmLink.lha).] And if you want to use MakeDoc, copy it to your c:, too. [you find this program at the Palmiga Hompage (palmiga.home.pages.de)] HOW TO USE That`s no problem, realy. :-) But read the Doc of PalmTransfer and MakeDoc carefully. DISTRIBUTION PalmGUI may be freely distributed, as long as no charge is made other than to cover time and copying costs. Other options may not be given without permission from Björn Schwemmer. Bug reports, suggestions etc..... EMail: latusek@vossnet.de homepage: gagattack.cjb.net VERSIONS o v1.00 - First version. o v2.00 - support of MakeDoc - set Baudrate up to 57600 - requester now autorefresh - fixed a bug at the program-requester (pdb intead of pbd)